Initiative to end extreme poverty

The Seattle Initiative for Global Development is an alliance of business and civic leaders of United States whose goal is eliminating extre...

The Seattle Initiative for Global Development is an alliance of business and civic leaders of United States whose goal is eliminating extreme global poverty. They have identified that the necessary elements in eliminating extreme poverty are: political will and increased resources, a long-term commitment, a multilateral approach and a coherent policy strategy. Their policy paper outlines the critical need for U.S. leadership in the following areas:

Investing in People: Promoting Development Through Healthy, Educated People and Economic Opportunity.
Investing in Countries: Supporting Good Governance and Open Political and Economic Systems.
Making Markets Work: Opening the Global Marketplace to Poor Countries and Poor People.
New Initiatives: Encouraging Innovative Approaches and Public-Private Partnerships.

I wish there were more such initiatives in every developing country.

Link via Worldchanging.

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