And the saga continues

So the saga with mom in law continues. She had set up a trip before the blowout to go see her husband up in NY and is leaving today at 10am ...

So the saga with mom in law continues.

She had set up a trip before the blowout to go see her husband up in NY and is leaving today at 10am for the airport. She's been on my wife to talk about the incident the past two days but my wife is still SOOO steamed she just doesn't want to get into it with her till after this trip so she has a chance to calm down.

MIL is such a sociopath. Not like a serial killer, but just that she lives in her own little world and has no concept of how her actions affect others. So she fucking accosts me this morning. Wife is at work early, I'm getting the little one ready to drop off at preschool.

But man it is going to be so good for her to be gone. When she gets back I suspect it will blow again when we finally make a decision about what has to be done, cause I don't think wife can take her living with us anymore.

She went out of her way to pick a fight with me. My heart was pounding, my head started to feel lighter, even my back started to hurt. I was so tense. I got a small taste of the hell my wife went through earlier this week.

Later, I realized I'd witnessed her transformation from just being annoying to the truth of how mean and spiteful she is. It's a side she tries to hide and not show, but man it was pretty crystal clear to me, and my wife. The way my wife describes the incident in the car, the mom kept pushing and pushing until my wife was reduced to a raving lunatic.

But that face of hers. It will haunt me for the rest of time. As we were getting into it, each line each fold of her face hardened and got etched deeper. And those eyes boring into me. Of course she is the one who was being attacked. I'm such a BAAAAD man.

She reminds me of this one Star Trek episode where this entity thrived on stress and strife, and it goaded the crew of the Enterprise and some Klingons to hand to hand combat. The finally banished it by all laughing it away.


She feeds on the stress she creates. But the next day she doesn't have a clue of the hurt she causes. She wants to talk about it, work it out, basically she won't stop harrasing you until you agree that you were wrong and she was right. She just creates a bad situation so that she can try and fix it and be seen as the saviour for fixing the situation.

She is gone for the weekend up to NY. It so so amazing the calm in the house now. Grandma is still here but she is so polar opposite of the mother in law.

But even in absence she creates stress. I had a hard time sleeping.

I HAVE to get on my bike today. road cross anything. It's amazing how sometimes I can go for such a long time and not ride. It's so easy to get out of the swing of it, and every day that goes by that I don't ride, the easier it gets to not ride. Gotta stop the negative slide. Esp. since in a few more weeks I need to start some endurance riding.

Still lifting 3x a week right now. One more week of transitional lifting then into the Hypertrophy. This phase takes a long time per session. when you get into 4 sets per exercise + warmup plus the rest between each set, it adds up.

I really like liftin. Been doing it since highschool. Typical small person thing, got into lifting. used to do it like 2 hrs a day in later part of highschool and college. Got pretty big and strong too.

It's one of those things that I want to do for the rest of my life and it is so good for overall well being. I just love putting the mp3 player on to some good pop punk and doing my thing, being in my little world.

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