An unfashionable blast from the past

My friend Ajax emailed me out of the blue. He had some old pictures in a box that he scanned onto his web page for me. I had ridden across ...

My friend Ajax emailed me out of the blue. He had some old pictures in a box that he scanned onto his web page for me. I had ridden across the country with some friends about 13 years ago or something like that. We rode on two tandems an a smarter person on a single, fully loaded. 7 weeks. Got some good stories from that trip. I still have the jersey pictured though it is in tatters in sleeveless now with holes in the pockets and the zipper is busted. These were taken in Whitefish Montana in 1992

I could not believe how dorky the helmets were that we wore. And those sun glasses! I think I'm more fashionable now but that isn't saying much I guess.


Check out all that crap that we hauled on that tandem. It was like driving a camper. Climbing the mountains of Washington and then again in PA were something else. Surprisingly few mechanicals. Some flats, several sets of tires, brake pads. A disintegrated wheel. Many more interpersonal issues than bike stuff!

For the rest of the series check here Bike trip

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