
My new wheels. Look what I did. Carnage again from the 130lb bruiser My pressure felt a little low but I didn't bother to put more air...

My new wheels. Look what I did. Carnage again from the 130lb bruiser
My pressure felt a little low but I didn't bother to put more air in. Went down the Beast. And I do mean went DOWN. As in we have lift off, where is my patch from NASA to put on my shoulder. I was flying.

Somewhere on the run I did the above but didn't know about it. It must have burped a little air, but never went totally flat. At the bottom I decided to put some more air in. Put the C02 on and aired it up more started riding and then heard loud ppppfpffppfpfpt.

I assumed it was at the valve, but it was at this spot. I smacked it with my fist and the bead reseated fine. And put more air in and rode back to the parking lot.

Bent it back with a small Mr Precision (crescent wrench) and it aired up first shot.

I gotta get a job testing stuff.

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