An integrated plan

I was reading a fellow mtn bike racer's BLOG and he had gotten the Morris strength template from me. He did 2 hypetrophy workouts and t...

See even the Pros are not immune

Even the pros are not immune to the sweet muse of Reese's Check out Jeff's K.s 1st step , admiting it :

Revised review of Jtek Engineering Shiftmate

I did an initial review of the Jtek Shiftmate Here My shifters were shot so I couldn't really comment finally on the shifting performan...

Some nice road bikes at reasonable prices

Any XC mountain bike racer needs a road bike for several reasons 1) They are fun. Road bikes are made for one thing. To go fast on the road....

Should have gone on the road bike

Road bike wasn't finished and I was dying for some single track. But the snow/ice of the past few weeks was either still there or the gr...

HAPPY NEW YEAR Wishing all a prosperous and peaceful 2006. I have been very busy lately in home and at work. Blogging had been a rare luxury...

A losing battle

While away from home, it's a losing battle to not eat junk. My mindset changes when the stuff is around. If it's there I gotta eat ...

On to power phase

Just finished my last workout in the Strength phase. On to power. Power is an intersting phase in the overall plan . The weight work is rea...

A year of Google blogging

Posted by Karen Wickre, Google Blog team This is the 201st post to be published on the Google Blog in 2005. In closing out the first full ye...


PRQ #5: Dara Marks Marino

This is part 5 of the Pro Racer Questionnaire Series (PRQ) Dara Marks Marino *cyclingnews *note this is an old picture but I wanted to show...

hanging out

Down here in crazy Myrtle Beach at my parents new digs. This place is something else. An amazing testament to the American way. Kitch up...

I'm feeling silly

Posted by Clay Bavor, Associate Product Manager Not long ago, I walked by the desk of software engineer JJ Furman, and saw that he had made ...

A BOAT RIDE IN BURIGANGA Last sunday we went to BIWTA jetty in Pagla along the banks of the Buriganga river, some 20 kms away from Dhaka. M...

THE WORD CHRISTMAS According to Katy , there are much debate going on in the USA on about the separation of Church and State and using the w...

BANGLADESH IDOL Last Thursday evening I was attending one cultural show. A local band was performing rocks and modern Bangla songs. The crow...

SAAB to produce hybrid prototype

SAAB is planning on producing a hybrid prototype next spring based on the technology from the it's GM family's technology. All this...

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE "So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Chri...

BANGLADESH ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP? According to Israeli Media following the warm-up in relations between Israel and Pakistan , two other Mus...

This just in...

Posted by PenguinOpus The Google Earth team has received a pretty interesting business development inquiry that we thought we'd share wi...

About the AOL announcement

Posted by Marissa Mayer, VP of Search Products & User Experience The recent announcement of the AOL partnership has been the source of...

Hybrid Buyers Stall Dealers to Claim Tax Credit

Proving that hybrid car buyers are smarter than your average car buyer, they are now stalling on delivery of their new cars until January fi...

Decking the halls

Posted by Shannon Bauman, AdSense Team Whether you're gazing up at the glistening giant Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in the hea...

The strength/resistance training thing

There were some posts over at the mtbr forums that sort of irked me. Like this or this where people say stuff like this: Especially for ...

School Bus Hybrids

I first saw this at autoblog , but it makes a lot of sense to me. With the potential for providing cost savings at the pump and being envir...

TODAY'S LINKS * Racism: Apartheid and South Asians . * Racism: Views on recent case of racism in Australia. * Violence: Protect wome...

Setting trends

Posted by Yu Chen, Software Engineer As part of the personalization team, I'm pretty addicted to looking at my search history for intere...

Why keep selling the Honda Insight hybrid?

The Honda Insight has sold only 624 units in the US for 2005 and has remained virtually unchanged since 2000. So why keep producing and sel...

Looking at 2005

Posted by Karen Wickre, Google Zeitgeist Team This is the time of year when people ponder the past as they anticipate looking ahead. We coul...

GM still behind the curve

General Motors, CEO Rick Wagoner feels, despite the success Toyota and Honda have had marketing their hybrid vehicles, it's hard to have...

LESSONS FOR RECONCILIATION TOWARDS PEACE "We can not agree on everything, that’s normal, but we should not dehumanize each other."...

TAXI DRIVERS IN NEW YORK DEMAND JUSTICE (Via Saurav ) "Bangladeshi Taxi Drivers Shajedur Rahman & Humayun Kabir Laskar Are In a Com...

PRQ #4: Salem Mazzawy

This is entry #4 in the PRQ-Pro Racer Questionnaire Series Salem Mazzawy Salem Mazzawy is a perennial favorite in the competetive XC racing ...

Car and Driver Magazine names the Honda Accord hybrid 2006 as the best family sedan

Car and Driver names the Honda Accord hybrid as the best family sedan out there for 2006. The Honda Accord hybrid is faster than it's (...

BANGLADESH BLOG BUZZ (crossposted in the global voices online ) 1) The liberation war of Bangladesh: The blogosphere went alive on the occ...

Stress: the holiday Grinch

From time to time, the resident physician at Google headquarters weighs in with her thoughts on healthy living. This is not medical advice, ...

Preliminary testing of EXTREME Simple Green

During the one month in July when we get cable, my kids love to watch Most Extreme on Animal Planet. Today I got some EXTREME Simple Green...

'Tis the season

Posted by Johanna Wright, Product Manager We've done a bit of seasonal decorating -- even put up some holiday lights. Have you seen them...

Rural property market in New Zealand

Rural real estate experts are predicting a slowdown in the New Zealand rural property market which has seen a steep increase in land prices ...

Aberdeen property investment

Aberdeen is often mistakenly regarded as an isolated and uninteresting part of Scotland. Few people really know that it has a blooming prope...

Eye on the prize

I was thinking recently on goals and why am I doing what I'm doing in terms of training or training at all. This is a tough time of year...

In the material world

Posted by Andy Ku, International Product Marketing Manager Next time you’re at the airport, scan the waiting area and see what people are do...

Cold gear on the cheap(er)

I'm not the proper person to be talking about cold riding, as I am only doing a little and am more psyching myself to be ready for some ...

Need some spiked tires

Wintry weather again. Sleet mainly. They are calling for Freezing rain later. Sleet actually is ok to mtn. bike in. Traction isn't too...

Searching for music

Posted by David Alpert, Search Quality Product Manager It may come as no surprise, but I like to search for things on Google. Yep, when I...

The State | 12/13/2005 | Bill would help hybrid-car owners

Good news for people who buy hybrids next year in South Carolina. Between the federal tax credit and the possible state credit, you could b...

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