DOE hopes to double it's efficiency in oil recovery

According to a Department of Energy (DOE) report , new techniques in oil recovery could result in double the efficiency. If such techniques...

According to a Department of Energy (DOE) report, new techniques in oil recovery could result in double the efficiency. If such techniques are applied, 89 billion barrels or more could eventually be added to the current U.S. proven reserves of 21.4 billion barrels.

"The assessments looked at maximizing oil production and accelerating the productive use of carbon dioxide in all categories of petroleum resources, including as-yet undiscovered oil and the new resources in the residual oil zone."

The new method is called sequestration of industrial carbon dioxide and according to Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, "By using the proven technique of carbon sequestration, we get the double benefit of taking carbon dioxide out of air while getting more oil out of the earth."

"Widespread sequestration of industrial carbon dioxide could eventually add as much as 430 billion new barrels to the technically recoverable resource."

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