Hybrid Cars and Parenthood
Anyone who has raised a child will understand this story. Anyone who appreciates good writing will enjoy reading this story. Anyone who he...

Anyone who has raised a child will understand this story. Anyone who appreciates good writing will enjoy reading this story. Anyone who held out to buy a hybrid should read this story.
San Diego CityBEAT
Related: Toyota Highlander From a Dad's Perspective
San Diego CityBEAT
Two years ago, Sam and I bought a Honda Civic Hybrid. The salesdude tried to steer us toward the standard Civic because the hybrid wait list was lengthy; the mileage difference, in his opinion, wasn't worth the cost; and for thousands less we could drive off the lot that very same day! He also tried to sell us pukey colors (we weren't having it) and, eventually, a Minivan (over my dead body). We stuck to our tree-huggin' principles, waited five weeks and spent the extra Benjamins determined to leave a smaller footprint on the planet. The car's been terrific, not because of the awesome mileage but because of the single most valuable feature I accidentally discovered late last year. Turns out that the cab—she's sound proof.
Related: Toyota Highlander From a Dad's Perspective