GM On Track for Volt, Releases Teaser Photos

As word comes from a GM engineer letting us know everything is still on track for a launch date for 2010, GM has released some 'teaser&#...

Chevy Volt Front Bumper
As word comes from a GM engineer letting us know everything is still on track for a launch date for 2010, GM has released some 'teaser' photos of the Volt. The front and back end certainly look similar to demonstration vehicle over a year ago, but there are obviously some big differences, too.

The edges aren't as sharp. They had to be rounded off to withstand the wind tunnel testing. Fuel economy is a big deal for this car, so I wouldn't be surprised if the shape of the final car reminds some of the Prius. The front bumper is definitely bigger and smoother than the original and that's a good thing.

The grill is fake. I'm not sure how the engine and batteries will be cooled, but the engine here is so different from the norm.  The air is being pushed off to the side.

Chevy Volt Back End
The lighting on the front is very nicely done. Definitely makes it 'futuristic,' but that can be taken too far. I'm guessing the inside will remind most drivers of the iPOD.

The design details definitely remind me of the Malibu.  It should end up being a little bit bigger than the Honda Civic.

At one point, because the batteries were 10 weeks late for testing, it looked the Volt would be delayed.  But GM engineers worked on other parts of the car and according to Farah, the Volt's cheif engineer , the deficit has been made up.

Other sites with photos: Fastlane, Hybrid Cars, you can see the Volt in a wind tunnel, and at autoblog.

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