How To Provide Code for Other Bloggers to Link to your Blog
Your blog will increase in Page Rank when more and more bloggers link to your blog. Hence to gain more backlinks to your blog provide code f...

You can provide code for only a simple link or for an image link. The advantage with a link is you can specify what anchor text you want in the link. The search engines place a lot of importance on anchor text for indexing blogs.
To provide an image link you will first have to create a button image. Just Google for "button generator". Go to any of these sites and create a button image. Here is one I made for this site : After creating the button upload it to a free host like or Googlepages and copy down the link to the image. Paste it in a Notepad file for inserting it into the code as shown below.
To put the code in your sidebar login at and click on Layout link on Dashboard. Then click on Add Page Element link at top of sidebar. Choose the Html/Javascript option and paste the following code in the contents window and save :
<p>To link to this blog, copy and paste the code below into your site.</p>
<textarea rows="4" cols="24" style="font-size: 1.1em;" readonly="readonly" onclick=";"><a href="BLOG_URL"><img
src="LINK OF IMAGE" alt="BLOG_DESCRIPTION" /></a></textarea>
Replace the CAPS with the relevant data for your blog. For this blog it will look like this :
To link to this blog, copy and paste the code below into your site.
This will give an image link to your blog like this after a blogger pastes the above code in his blog.
The code for a text link is :
<p>To link to this blog, copy and paste the code below into your site.</p>
<textarea id="b_2" rows="4" cols="24" style="font-size: 1.1em;" readonly="readonly" onclick=";"><a href="BLOG_URL">BLOG_TITLE</a></textarea>
Replace the CAPS with your Blog URL and Blog Title. It will look like this :
To link to this blog, copy and paste the code below into your site.