How to Purge Brake Lines

Over time, or due to leaks, your automobile's brake system can get air in the fluid. Air in your brake lines can cause a soft feel to th...

How to Purge Brake Lines

Over time, or due to leaks, your automobile's brake system can get air in the fluid. Air in your brake lines can cause a soft feel to the pedal or even brake failure. Purging you brake lines, also known as bleeding the brakes, gets the air out of the brake system. Purging the brake lines is a pretty simple task once you know the steps to take to perform it properly.



    Jack up the front of your vehicle and secure it on jack stands.


    Locate the bleeder valve; it will be at the top of the brake caliper. It is a small nipple with a hole in the center of it.


    Have an assistant pump the brake pedal until it is firm, then hold pressure on the pedal. While your helper holds the pedal, use a wrench to twist the valve counterclockwise. Fluid and air will flow out of the valve.


    Close the valve once the fluid has stopped flowing. Repeat step three until only fluid and no air comes from the valve.


    Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each wheel.


    Lower the vehicle and check the brake fluid level. Top it off if it is not between the "Min" (minimum) and "Max" (maximum) marks on the master cylinder.


    Test-drive the vehicle to make certain the brakes are functioning properly.

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