Area51 (2005) - pc cheat

Cheat Codes Spooky Hidden Rooms: After crossing the airfield, and you have the scale that pends on the chopper, look carefully the pictures ...

Cheat Codes
Spooky Hidden Rooms:
After crossing the airfield, and you have the scale that
pends on the chopper, look carefully the pictures that hang in
the wall. When taking photos of paintings and all officedoors you
arrive in a strange room.

The End:
Happy End - Shoot all the signs of the mother.
Bad End - If you leave the mothership escape.

If you start the game, only shoot the first three STAAR team members. If you do
this right, you have a view infrared.

Secret Rooms:
Level 2: Shoot the highest windows of the wall in the hangar. When you are
in the truck, shoot all yellow barrels, and you discover another
secret room.
Level 4: When driving on the STAAR jeep, shoot every yellow box.
Level 5: Pull the panel that shows the words General Weatherby on the second door
immediately when the door opens.
Level 7: Shoot all yellow barrels in the first area where the four purple zombies
throw barrels.

Arcade cabinet:
In the early stages of the game, there are few firms in the Area 51
arcade game, with red and blue guns.

Defeating Grays:
To defeat Grays that use shields, mutate and fire parasites at them. It will provide
shields faster than any other weapon in the game

Defeating the Super Beast:
When fighting the Super Beast, rather than running straight at him, run around a
circle. When he gets near an explosive barrel, shoot it. It does more damage at the
BBG. Attention to his arm and firing plasma. When you finish, Edgar will talk
for you, and you get to see it.

Unlock Harder Difficulty:
Succeed in the campaign mode in medium difficulty setting.

Secret tapes:
Search and analyze all five articles in a database level to unlock the secret of this level.
The last secret of the game is unlocked when all prior secrets have been found.

Hard difficulty:
Succeed in the campaign mode in medium difficulty setting.

Masons and the Illuminati:
Shortly after meeting Dr. Cray, you will reach an infirmary where you will find clones
Mr. White to wander, mumbling, and rambling on. On the back of their coat
you will find a Masonic lodge (a symbol of the Masons) suggesting a link
between the Masons and the Illuminati.

Interesting scans:
During the training levels, scan everyone that you can. You can find interesting
equipment of MPs, including adult diapers and condoms.

Hold [Down] until your scanner stops moving and you seem to be looking at your feet.
You can now scan yourself and see information about Cole.

Moon Landing Conspiracy:
When you reach "Lies of the Past: Checkpoint 4", you can get into a lift. Release
the elevator, you will see a replica of the lunar surface, a model of the space suit of the United States,
and a shuttle the United States to reach the Moon. In reference to the Moon
Landing Conspiracy, claiming that the United States never reached the Moon, and the false
landing to beat the Russians in the race to space. The conspiracy was heavily debated, but
finally rejected by the majority opinions. Today, only a few people still claim to
Moon landing was a hoax.

Gray Alien in multi-player mode:
Alternatively, successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Then, go to
the last level and complete it under the medium difficulty setting. You will then
the choice to play under the hard difficulty setting. Choose to play the last level in the framework of the
hard difficulty setting and complete.

Defeating the Super Theta:

Defeating Super Theta uses generally the same strategy as defeating Theta except for some
things. It is recommended that you, eaves at least one shot in your Meson Cannon for him
because of the amount of damage the weapon will do. Do not worry too much if you miss because
it is always very easy. Once you shoot him with the cannon, transform into mutant form and
attack in melee with him, if your health is full or parasites if it is not. After a
few hits, they get angry then leap up onto one of four rooms and cryo-break, he
open, releasing the alien amoebas. These things must be meleed because parasites
not find their traces. The decline of the contagion on them only drain your energy. They are not too
difficult to achieve in mutant form, because the "mutant vision" slows them down. Also, do not
stand below the chamber that the Super Theta break open. Then it will decrease
almost directly below and will be fatal or nearly fatal damage when it hits
the ground if you're there. However, after the land, move in close and melee him for
a few hits. Amoebae not drop immediately. After you kill the amoebas, return
shooting parasites and using melee against the monster. When he jumped from the second
room, fire your contagion at the scrum, he and amoebas that appear to meet your
mutagen. This is done after the second because of the large number of Black Ops that
before him, you fight in May severely drained your health. May you want to use the
parasites to refill it. If this is not the case, please use the contagion after
breaks the first chamber. After using the contagion, repeat the process of the fray and
parasites until the monster dies. In the most absolute, the fight should take about
ten minutes.

Overcoming Theta:

To defeat the Theta easily, first make sure that you have a bar at full load and Mutagen
at least three-quarters of your health. There are power-ups lying around health
where you fight. Then enter the room where he is like a mutant or fire and pests
or embroiling Leapers who come after you. Using parasites on the first few to restore your
health then attacking in melee with the rest works well to keep your mutagen complete and
leaves the health power-ups available if necessary. Try not to hit the explosive barrels
they will certainly kill you instantly. Theta appears after about four Leaper
waves and jump you. To defeat him easily, fire a few parasites on him then, in close
melee him. Even if it is both fast and strong, your mutant form, it is very easy to hit
and to avoid his attacks because of how the "mutant vision" slows him. The only attack
should worry about his jump attack that still deals almost fatal damage, even with the
reduction of mutant form of damage. If you repeat this process (attacking the Leapers with
melee and parasites when they appear), you quickly undo much
have a lot of health and mutagen remaining for the next level.

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