Another Cigarette Escape Walkthrough
Another Cigarette Escape Text Walkthrough 1 tv front 2 tv backside go right 3 inside bigger cainet 4 lower view big cabinet between the door...
Another Cigarette Escape Text Walkthrough
1 tv front
2 tv backside
go right
3 inside bigger cainet
4 lower view big cabinet between the doors
5 right side third drawer
6 under cabinet with drawers
go right
7 under couch
8 right window
9 behind couch
go right
10 between pillows (couch middle on)
Another Cigarette Escape Video Walkthrough by escapeskynet
Source-Another Cigarette Escape Walkthrough-EscapeGames24
1 tv front
2 tv backside
go right
3 inside bigger cainet
4 lower view big cabinet between the doors
5 right side third drawer
6 under cabinet with drawers
go right
7 under couch
8 right window
9 behind couch
go right
10 between pillows (couch middle on)
Another Cigarette Escape Video Walkthrough by escapeskynet
Source-Another Cigarette Escape Walkthrough-EscapeGames24