Turntable Kitchen

Do you know about the site  Turntable Kitchen ? Husband and wife duo Kasey and Matthew Hickey pair together food and music in the best of wa...

Do you know about the site Turntable Kitchen? Husband and wife duo Kasey and Matthew Hickey pair together food and music in the best of ways, I'm such a fan. Want a well-curated playlist to enjoy while preparing or eating a delicious homemade breakfast? Check out this post they've got you covered with recipes, tracks and resources. They've also got several other recipes to try and music to listen on their site that could leave any music loving foodie happy for hours.

Kasey and I briefly met at the San Francisco Kinfolk dinner and she radiated this positive vibe that was down right contagious. She kindly sent me one of their pairing boxes and it was such a blast to receive special ingredients, wonderfully photographed recipe cards, and a well-crafted music selection boxed up on my doorstep. Their clever pairing boxes change every month with seasonal ingredients and would be the perfect gift idea for food and music loving friends. Pop by their site when you get a moment, I think you'll really enjoy it. I also find it remarkable that they both have day jobs and still run their site! Wow.

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