Using Humour To Increase Your Blog’s Traffic
Guest Post - Our host is DCMontreal , in this post he explains how putting smiles on faces can add readers to your blog.See How To Become a...

We’ve all heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. Some studies have even shown that women think that funny men are smarter and more honest than more serious guys, and may even find them more attractive. But while enjoying a good chuckle every so often for our overall well-being, let’s not overlook the fact that humour can also be an effective tool in drawing visitors to your blog.
There is a long history of written word humour; I suspect even some of those cave wall drawings may have been pretty funny all those centuries ago – the cartoon B.C. draws on that theme. Humorous novels, plays, and certainly films abound – the fact is, people like to laugh, some would go so far as to say laughter is essential to being a well-balanced person. Bloggers have several methods and styles at their fingertips to help out with the mirthful posts. Here are two of my favorites.