Dracoo the Dragon - Android Game Review

Dracoo the Dragon: Use your super handling powers to guide Dracoo to freedom!  Ever seen a dragon in superman colors? … no?… well now you ca...

Dracoo the Dragon: Use your super handling powers to guide Dracoo to freedom! 

Ever seen a dragon in superman colors? … no?… well now you can if you play Dracoo the Dragon!  Ok ok, its definitely not the new age Man of Steel tones, but Dracoo’s wings definitely remind me of the classic superman.  Speaking of superpowers, you’ll probably need something like that when playing this game.

Upon launching into an adventure with Dracoo you’ll instantly understand the 2D side scrolling game style.
The on screen buttons are intuitive and relatively easy to use.  Up, down, left and right are clearly indicated and the buttons are also sized to be correct for those with fat fingers.  The initial menu screen of multiple levels and the level distance guage in the top right hand corner gives you the idea that this levels are a series of fixed distances (as opposed to unlimited runner stages).

Chances are that you’ll send Dracoo to his doom very quickly in the first few tries (it’s ok, he comes back to life again ;) ).   From this suicidal practice you’ll educate yourself into understanding that you can get crushed if you don’t keep up with the screen scrolling pace.  You’ll also die if you fly into lava or critters.  Bizarrely enough eating chillis are great for Dracoo because after doing this then you can spit fireballs and you increase the number of times you can take damage… it’s a bit like collecting the power flower in Super Mario Brothers.

Killing Dracoo should become a common occurrence for many players.  Even whilst we play tested the three free levels in the two different zones we died several times.  Half the time because we were just trying to get to the end and then the other times were because we were trying to get a score high enough to be awarded with three eggs.

At some points I really wondered if I was getting rusty and if I was just some spasticated numbskull who couldn’t adapt to the game.  But then I realised that the buttons aren’t perfectly positioned and this alone is enough to cause problems if you’re manually shooting the fireballs.  (Solution here is to goto the menu and set auto-fire).  Then I read some of the reviews of the game and it became obvious that I wasn’t the only person to complain.  Other people found the game difficult, stressful and frustrating… especially with the dead end routes.

I rarely admit to defeat… its just not my style, and if you’re the same then you’ll see this game as competitive and challenging.  Admittedly the Physics are bizarrely flawed because you seem to slow down even if you fly up or down into an obstruction, but overall it is a fun game.  There is eye pleasing artwork and hopefully the third level pack will be just as cute as the others.

A slight downer is that you can easily be fooled into pressing the ads.  But the developers need to make their money somewhere right?

Rating: 3/5 Dracoo is a fun and simple little package which is perfect for those people who are out for a challenge.  Even the free levels are enough to keep players entertained.

I suggest you at least give the free game a try, and if you enjoy this type of game then consider buying the level packs.  Even if you don’t buy, the free levels provide enough of a challenge anyway!

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