DMRC Tender Guarantee format in .doc

Tender Guarantee Format for Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (ON NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF INR 100 WITH STAMP OF BANK) ANNEXURE 3 Ref.....

Tender Guarantee Format for Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd


Ref..                                                                                 Date
                                                                                        Bank Guarantee No.
Dy. Controller of Stores,
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.,
Metro Bhawan, 13, Fire Brigade lane,
Barakhamba Road.
New Delhi 11 00 01
Dear Sir,
In accordance with your invitation to tender No. [Enter Tender No],  M/s [Co Name and Address],  hereinafter called the tenderer with the following Directors on their Board of Directors/ Partners of the firm:

1.    [Authorised Signatory 1]
2.    [Authorised Signatory 2, if any]
3.    [Authorised Signatory 3, if any]
4.    [Authorised Signatory 4, if any]

Wish to participate in the said tender for the supply of [Equipment Details].
As a Bank Guarantee against Bid Guarantee for a sum of United States Dollars [Amount in Words] (US$ [Amount in figure]) valid for (180) one hundred and eighty days from the date of opening of the Tenders viz. [Date of Tender/bid Opening] is required to be submitted by the tenderers as a condition for participation, this Bank hereby guarantees and undertakes during the above said period of (180) one hundred and eighty days to immediately pay, on demand by the General  Manager or  Financial Advisor  & Chief Accounts Officer Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Metro Bhawan, 13, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110001, INDIA in writing the amount of United States Dollars [Amount in Words] (US$ [Amount in figure]) to the said General  Manager or  Financial Advisor  & Chief Accounts Officer Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Metro Bhawan, 13, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110001, INDIA and without any reservation and recourse, if:-

(i)            the tenderer after submitting his tender modifies the rates or any of the terms and conditions thereof, except with the prior written consent of the purchaser; or
(ii)           the tenderer withdraws the said bid within 180 days after opening of bid; or
(iii)          the tenderer having not withdrawn the bid, fails to furnish the Contract Performance Guarantee within the period provided in the Conditions of Contract

This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto 4 PM on [Calculate 180 days from Bid opening date and write date] if further extension to this Guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required periods on receiving instructions from M/s [Name of the Company] on whose behalf this guarantee is issued.

This guarantee is non assignable, non transferable.

Date:                                                                           Signature

Place:                                                                          Printed Name


1.    ……………………………                                     ………………………………..

                                         (Banks common seal)

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