Bike industry blogging

It's interesting to observe how the bicycle industry approaches BLOGs and forums. This is a great BLOG with a bike industry view Just R...

It's interesting to observe how the bicycle industry approaches BLOGs and forums. This is a great BLOG with a bike industry view
Just Riding Along.

And of course there is Masi Guy

On the forums you rarely see bicycle industry input. Years ago Edmund from SRAM posted a lot at mtbr, and his tech adivce was like gold. The Iron Horse guys and Dave Weagle of DW link fame also post quite actively.

A few others but on the whole the bicycle industry is pretty silent in the public forums and blog world.

It's sad. On one hand you can't blame them. In the forum world you take your life into your own hands, and idiotic flame wars and total loss of control are the norms. It is so easy to misunderstand something in an email or a forum. It would be quite easy for something to spin negatively for a bicycle industry poster. So it's easy to understand why they might have a blanket policy for no posting in public forums or blogs.

But my opinion is that when you go public on the forums or the blogs you are putting your money where your mouth is. You've got someone like Dave Weagle who posts actively on the highly technical subject of rear suspension. And the more technical it is the more hack-arm chair engineering-psuedo science you are going to see come across the forums. Yet he posts. And you know what, I really respect that and the end result is that I've got brand recognition for that product.

Sure opinions are like a**holes, and we've all got one. But the bicycle industry has no clue how word of mouth and the blogsphere affects brand recognition, otherwise they would be out here with the masses.

The PR rep from Kryptonite said at Naked Conversation in response to why they don't have a BLOG, "At first we decided against it because why would anyone really want to hear about locks all the time?"

Um Duh, who the hell wants to read about a Married with children, Full time Job, No genetic talent want to be mountain bike racer? Well at least a few people do.

That's what BLOGs are. ramblings about things you'd think no one would want to hear about.

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