UNHEARD VOICES FROM THE DUNGEON Just when the world is outraged by the Arab hard-line views and breeding of radical Islamofacism, we keep fo...


Just when the world is outraged by the Arab hard-line views and breeding of radical Islamofacism, we keep forgetting that there are also humane voices in Arab world muffled by restrictions and oppression.

One such voice is Alhamedi of Saudi Arabia who has a blog called "The religious policeman" named in protest of the Saudi religious police, who among other mischiefs stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress nor allow the Firemen to enter causing their death.

Schooled in UK, Alhamedy has a great sense of humor and posts his progressive perspectives. Sadly he stopped blogging around August 2004, after only seven months for unknown reasons.

The good thing is that he is back after one year and he says that he can now post without fear as he has moved to UK. Straight away he is back in business with his humor and puns:

* The King is dead, long live the King.

* His comments on the alleged anti-Islamic "Little Green Football blog"

* No need to 'nuke Mecca', Saudi Hardliners have demolished 95% of the millennium old buildings in Mecca.

* The war on terrorism - lets get real - part I & II blaming UK's inefficiency in tackling the homegrown 'insurgency'.

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