False confidence building

Rode on Brush today. Climbed old farm and passed someone walking. Met some guys visiting from out of town on some 5-6" Hecklers and l...

Rode on Brush today. Climbed old farm and passed someone walking. Met some guys visiting from out of town on some 5-6" Hecklers and led them down the Beast. In 3.75" travel mode I was waiting for them at the bottom for 2 minutes. We passed some guys climbing on the way down, and I turned around and climbed back up Beast and passed them as they walked their bikes.

It's nice sometimes to do those sorts of things for the confidence, but as we all know these things seldom reflect reality. Like showing up to a race and getting your number handed to you by someone riding in sneakers and a t-shirt.

There are some absolutes in racing as in life.

-There is always someone faster than you
-There is always someone who is willing to work harder than you
-There is always someone who can deal with the pain better than you
-There is always someone with a lighter bike than you
-There is always someone with better components than you
-There is always someone with more time to train than you
-There is always someone with more money than you
-There is always someone who's kids are athletic phenoms
-There is always someone with a bigger house, better furniture and a nicer car
-There is always someone better looking than you. (Well ok, we'll make an exception in my case for this one)

That's why you can't use race results as an indicator of your self worth. Now racing and cramping in tears and continuing to ride, now that is an indicator of self worth.

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