Plug in Hybrids from Toyota... coming soon?

Toyotas senior vice president of the company's North American operations has been quoted saying plug-in vehicles may be here sooner than...

Bangladesh Blog Buzz

(Crossposted in the Global Voices Online ) The latest happenings in Bangladesh related blogs around the world: * Society: The filming of th...


"The British Board of Jewish Deputies give full backing to Israel. These are the same people who always bang on about the Holocaust. Ne...


I wish the above list was not true. But an Israeli air strike on a shelter in the south of Lebanon has killed at least 40 Lebanese civilian...


A day of a maid in Singapore. A child is being abused by her. But why? Most maids in Singapore are abused by the arrogant Han Chinese who do...


We know about crickets well-documented rivalry between Australia against England and even India versus Pakistan. Since February 2004, The b...


* Bangladesh may emerge as middle-income state by 2020. * Sex in space . No, seriously. * How a Muslim doctor became an Islamic terrorist ...

Comparing flex fuel to hybrids

A comparison of flex-fuel vehicles to hybrids 1) Mileage Hybrid vehicles get better mileage than flex fuel vehicles. Flex-fuel vehicles can...

Bulgarias Finest Golf properties

If you are not just looking for a property but also a secure holiday relaxation experience then Bulgarias Finest might be your cup of tea.Yo...


Alan Dershowitz, a professor of law at Harvard is known for his explicit support for Israel. He points out that its OK to bomb Lebanoni civ...

We got hecklers

First dirt crit of the year yesterday. 20mins + 2 laps. There were 4 cross bikes and 3 mtn bikes. We even had spectators. AND hecklers. Th...

Automotive resources

Used Cars in Los Angeles


Via Shafiur of imperfect | world | 2006 we learn that Bangladesh is sending Lebanon relief materials including diarrhoea preventive saline...

Chicago may offer free parking to hybrid cars

Public Parking in Chicago may go 'green' if the City Council passes the newest proposal. Ald. Re Colon (35th) is introducing an ord...

Honda invests in electric motor plant

Honda will be investing $69 million to build a new plant in Japan to boost its capacity to produce key components for its hybrid cars.  WHen...

11 States Are First in the Nation to Receive Hybrid School Buses

Press Release follows from IC Corporation, Enova and Advanced Energy on the bid to buy 19 hybrid buses nationwide. IC Corporation won the b...

What's in Your Garage?

3 of my bikes 2 of my wifes 3 kid's bikes 2 scooters 1 skateboard Now you know why I sell a bike every time I buy one. There is no room...

TODAY'S LINKS * Slate's the Middle East interactive buddy list . * God's army has plans to run the whole Middle East. * Redrawi...

YOUTUBE VIDEO OF THE DAY Israel passed by .. here ! (Hat tip: Lebanese blogger forum )

NATION OR RELIGION? Result of an interesting survey done by the Pew research center on Muslims and christians of different countries: Pakist...

TODAY'S LINKS * Robert Fisk : If the Lebanese dislike Hizbollah, they hate Israelis. * The station that broadcasts nothing . * Project f...

Hardtail dying

I think my hardtail is on it's last legs. The rear wheel keeps slipping. I'd sent it back recently and the builder had re ground th...

Bad days all around

Well before I even saw the tape of Floyd's imposion in the TDF, I was having a bad day. Stressful events at work weighing on the mind. ...

Are more tax breaks on the way for hybrid car buyers?

Congress is holding a hearing today on hybrid technology. The House subcommittee on energy and resources is looking at ways to entice more ...

LOVE ATTACK ON MERKEL The Bild reports that at the G-8 summit the US President George W. Bush surprised the German chancelor by a shoulder ...

Why the Fuel economy of cars has remained the same

Since 1975, when the EPA started measuring fuel economy there have been several stages of fuel economy in the US. Starting in 1975, there w...

New automotive R&D facility from MG Motors

MG Motors has set-up a new research and development facility for the University of Oklahoma. This could help turn OU into a world-class auto...

Toyota is planning on plug-in hybrids and flex fuel vehicles

Jim Press, president of Toyota Motor North America addressed the National Press Club in Washington today and had a few interesting remarks. ...

Toyota recalls more than 400,000 vehicles

12 models manufactured in 2001 are affected, including the Toyota Prius. In the US alone, nearly 8,500 Prius are being recalled along with ...

Fuel Economy stays the same

According to this years EPA report on fuel economy, the 2006 model cars attained 21 mpg. Which isn't bad, until you realize the fuel ec...

YOUTUBE VIDEOS OF THE DAY YouTube is serving 100 million videos a day. Below are two videos from the lot. Israeli attacks - 1st four days W...

WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Indian bloggers in some parts of India have been facing a problem, which none anticipated would embark on a democratic...

THE REAL AIM OF THE WAR Sabbah, a Palestinian blogger points out that the real aim for the Israeli offensive is to change the regime in Leb...

QUOTE OF THE DAY "See, the irony is what they really need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and its over....

Southern California is running out of decals for hybrids traveling in the HOV lanes

Hybrid car sales in California have really taken off. And as a result, HOV lanes in southern California are starting to get clogged with al...

TSUNAMI STRIKES AGAIN Today a tsunami has struck the Southern coast of Java island sweeping away buildings at an Indonesian beach resort and...

Ford to invest one billion to develop hybrid in the UK

Ford is lookgin to invest $1.84 billion dollars (euro 1.45 billion) to develop hybrid cars in the UK over the next six years according to an...

GM is looking to Nissan for possible alliance

While the talks are only tentative at this point, GM is looking at a possible alliance with Nissan (and Renault). Ghosn, CEO of Renault, SA...

WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO DESERVE THIS? The war is on in full swing . A public opinion poll at Sky News reveals that 83% people supports Israe...

TODAY'S LINKS * Israel’s catch-22 . * why Hizbollah isn't israel's target. * Guru Nanak in Tibet: a Buddhist viewpoint . * Inte...

QUOTE OF THE DAY " Israel invaded Lebanon twice in the past and occupied parts of the country for 22 years and in the end they had to ...

ARE GERMANS BECOMING LAZY? Germans are known in the world as industrious, thorough and punctual. But during my four months stay I had seen a...

THE SAYEEDI AFFAIR The recent UK visit of Delwar Hossain Sayeedi , the controversial lawmaker of the Islami right wing party Jamaat-e-Islami...


The New England Aquarium is raffling off a Mercury Mariner Hybrid

And the tickets are only $25 each. 100% of all proceeds will go to the Aquarium. Only 4,000 tickets will be sold, given each ticket 0.025%...

TODAY'S LINKS * The best of Germany 2006 . * Shock for Germany - Klinsmann quits as German Ccoach. * Explosives used in India bombings ...

Converting your hybrid into a plug-in

While I understand the concept of getting as much out of your hybrid as possible (as far as mileage goes), the economic issues that keep man...

Taxing Hybrid Incentives

WASHINGTON — To encourage their employees to purchase environmentally-friendly hybrid cars, several companies reportedly are offering "...

Free valet parking for hybrids in Tampa

In an effort to jump on the green (or hybrid) bandwagon, Renaissance Hotels decided to offer free valet parking to anyone driving a hybrid v...

IS THIS THE BIG WAR? "War is regarded as nothing but the continuation of politics by other means." A war has broken out in the Mid...

Hybrid cars eligible for solo carpool lanes in California

Only a few of the hybrids available today are eligible to be driven in the carpool lane in California. The same restrictions have been subs...

The Saturn Vue Hybrid will qualify for $650 federal tax credit

According to the IRS, the certification by GM on the 2007 Saturn Vue Green Line Vehicle (SUV) qualifies for the Alternative Motor Vehicle Cr...

Pennsylvania ups the state budget for rebates on hybrids

After running out of money last year for their state rebate on hybrids, Pennsylvania has upped the budget allocated to the program. $3 mill...

Toyota recalls Highlander Hybrid and Lexus Rx 400h

Toyota is recalling the 2004-05 models of the Toyota Highlander and Lexus Rx330 and early 2006 models of the Highlander Hybrid and the Rx 40...

TODAY'S LINKS * End this punishment of the Palestinians. * Avoiding the backlash - The blasts in Mumbai are a challenge to Indian secu...

Welcome to Expert?

I recall many years ago a sport racer who won the VA State series. He smoked everyone in the class and was riding up with the experts a lot...

Patience Rewarded

Our youngset son rode without training wheels last night. *This little red bike is so awesome. It was a bike shop purchased GT. Cost way m...

Hybrids (and others) to get just a little bit cleaner

A new spark ignition could make hybrids (and others) burn cleaner than ever before. Honda is currently working on implementing the technolo...

Want to win a Toyota Highlander Hybrid?

3M is giving away a Toyota Highlander Hybrid in a marketing ploy this summer to advertise their filtrete filters. The Sweepstakes started J...

Forms used to claim Hybrid Tax Credit

If you bought a hybrid car or suv this year, you may be eligible for the federal tax credit on hybrid cars . When claiming your hybrid tax ...

MUMBAI TRAIN BLASTS Seven serial blasts have rocked commuter trains today evening at rush hour in Mumbai. I am watching the horrible storie...

Hybrid Bus coming to your town soon?

I suppose it is possible that local towns will want to make a statement about environmental issues and start going hybrid. But at twice the...

IN SEARCH OF AN ANSWER The most burning question in everybody's mind is "what did Materazzi say to Zidane?", which has prompte...

Ford may have backed off, but its Chinese partner isn't

Recently, Ford backed off its promise to build 250,000 hybrids. But Chang'an, its Chinese partner is promising to jump into the hybrid ...

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