Blog Day 2006: the celebration of Internet, Blogging and democracy
In one long moment In August 31st, bloggers from all over the world will post a recommendation of 5 new Blogs, Preferably, Blogs different f...
In one long moment In August 31st, bloggers from all over the world will post a recommendation of 5 new Blogs, Preferably, Blogs different from their own culture, point of view and attitude. On this day, blog surfers will find themselves leaping and discovering new, unknown Blogs, celebrating the discovery of new people and new bloggers.
31/08 = 3 1 o 8 = Blog
Today I am sharing some personal information to help fellow bloggers living in other parts of the world to know me better. Its an initiative of the Global Voices Online.
1) Q. Why did you start blogging? A. I had opinions to share and was exposed to Internet for long.
2) Q. What do you blog about mainly? A. Anything on my motherland, Bangladesh.
3) Q. Do you blog in your first language or in another language, and why? A. Yes I blog in Bangla and my active page is here. If you converse in the mother tongue you can articulate yourself better.
4) Q. What motivates you to keep blogging even if (like most bloggers) you’re not paid much for it? A. Its more like a passion than a hobby.
5) Q. Is your audience mainly inside your own country or around the world? A. They are everywhere as far I know.
6) Q. What do your family and friends think about the fact that you are a blogger? A. They become surprised when they find it because I try to keep a low profile among the acquaintances on this.
7) Q. Does your boss know you have a blog? A. My previous Boss didn't know.
8) Q. What is the relationship between blogs in your country or region and the mainstream media? A. Very poor, almost non-existent, but things will change as the blogging community will grow.
9) Q. When you blog, how would you describe what you write? Is it part of a conversation? Is it ranting? Is it a daily diary? Is it journalism? Is it some or all of these things at different times? Does the definition matter? A. It's all the things in between. I don't need to define.
10)Q. Have blogs started to have an impact on politics in your country? Have they started to influence what stories get covered in your country’s media? We’d love to know some examples. A. Not yet. We are yet to see any politician or a think tank blogging. But as the Bangla blogging community is expanding, we will see some results soon.
Official Blog Day 2006 (31st August) posting instructions.
I am hereby tagging five blogs. My theme of this year is Diaspora group blogs:
1)Unheard Voices: Drishtipat group blog :- A group blog of Bangladesh Diaspora based in USA.
Drishtipat is committed to safeguarding every individual's basic democratic rights, including freedom of expression, and is opposed to any and all kinds of human rights abuses in Bangladesh. Drishtipat tries to leverage technology to unite expatriate Bangladeshis from all over the world to work on specific issues related to social justice in Bangladesh.
2) Sepia Mutiny:
Sepia Mutiny's title is "a pun on the first widespread rebellion against the British Raj"--a reference to the so-called Sepoy Mutiny or First War of Indian Independence in 1857. It has become a space for individuals of South Asian descent who are now in the United States to talk about issues of interest to them.
3) Pickled Politics:![](//
It's a group blog of the South Asian Diaspora based in UK. Its mission statement says "We, as modern Asian Britons, are fighting a metaphorical war on two fronts. In one corner we have what you can call ‘the community’. On the other side there are the racists. On one side stand all the bigots who hate, despise and look down on others based on their race, religion, caste, sexuality and nationality. And there are others who choose to reject that hatred. Whose side do you want to be on?"
4) DesiPundit: The blog boasts as a one stop site for browsing the best of the Indian blogosphere has to offer.
The crew are scattered across three continents and six time zones so publishing happens round the clock. Their blog day celebration is being done with the launch of the Indian Bloggers Directory.
5) Global Voices Online: Global Voices Online is a non-profit global citizens’ media project.
A growing number of bloggers around the world are emerging as "bridge bloggers", people who are talking about their country or region to a global audience. Global Voices is the guide to the most interesting conversations, information, and ideas appearing around the world on various forms of participatory media such as blogs, podcasts, photo sharing sites, and videoblogs. It has about 75 regular bloggers across the world bringing you the global voices online.
(Blog information from wikipedia and respective blogs)
31/08 = 3 1 o 8 = Blog
Today I am sharing some personal information to help fellow bloggers living in other parts of the world to know me better. Its an initiative of the Global Voices Online.
1) Q. Why did you start blogging? A. I had opinions to share and was exposed to Internet for long.
2) Q. What do you blog about mainly? A. Anything on my motherland, Bangladesh.
3) Q. Do you blog in your first language or in another language, and why? A. Yes I blog in Bangla and my active page is here. If you converse in the mother tongue you can articulate yourself better.
4) Q. What motivates you to keep blogging even if (like most bloggers) you’re not paid much for it? A. Its more like a passion than a hobby.
5) Q. Is your audience mainly inside your own country or around the world? A. They are everywhere as far I know.
6) Q. What do your family and friends think about the fact that you are a blogger? A. They become surprised when they find it because I try to keep a low profile among the acquaintances on this.
7) Q. Does your boss know you have a blog? A. My previous Boss didn't know.
8) Q. What is the relationship between blogs in your country or region and the mainstream media? A. Very poor, almost non-existent, but things will change as the blogging community will grow.
9) Q. When you blog, how would you describe what you write? Is it part of a conversation? Is it ranting? Is it a daily diary? Is it journalism? Is it some or all of these things at different times? Does the definition matter? A. It's all the things in between. I don't need to define.
10)Q. Have blogs started to have an impact on politics in your country? Have they started to influence what stories get covered in your country’s media? We’d love to know some examples. A. Not yet. We are yet to see any politician or a think tank blogging. But as the Bangla blogging community is expanding, we will see some results soon.
Official Blog Day 2006 (31st August) posting instructions.
I am hereby tagging five blogs. My theme of this year is Diaspora group blogs:
1)Unheard Voices: Drishtipat group blog :- A group blog of Bangladesh Diaspora based in USA.
2) Sepia Mutiny:
3) Pickled Politics:
It's a group blog of the South Asian Diaspora based in UK. Its mission statement says "We, as modern Asian Britons, are fighting a metaphorical war on two fronts. In one corner we have what you can call ‘the community’. On the other side there are the racists. On one side stand all the bigots who hate, despise and look down on others based on their race, religion, caste, sexuality and nationality. And there are others who choose to reject that hatred. Whose side do you want to be on?"
4) DesiPundit: The blog boasts as a one stop site for browsing the best of the Indian blogosphere has to offer.
5) Global Voices Online: Global Voices Online is a non-profit global citizens’ media project.
(Blog information from wikipedia and respective blogs)