
My first accessory was a Slipstreamer Spitfire Windshield bought on ebay. The windshield is pretty small so it compliments the bike well. ...

My first accessory was a Slipstreamer Spitfire Windshield bought on ebay. The windshield is pretty small so it compliments the bike well. It keeps the wind off my chest and I don't feel like I'm being blown off the back of the bike when I travel above 45 mph. It doesn't cover my hands at all so the wind still makes my hands cold. I'm still looking into some better gloves to help with that.

Next I bought some luggage, also on ebay. I've acquired a few nice Tbags brand pieces. The glove bag worked for a while but was really too small to commute to work. So, I bought a Helmet bag which is the piece I use the most. This bag is perfect for me. I attach it so that it sits on the pillion seat and then it becomes a backrest. I can fit my change of clothes, shoes, lunch, and my work materials plus lots of space for any extra stuff. It also has a rain cover which comes in handy.

I also bought on ebay a pair of Willie and Max compact slant saddle bags. These were like new and were a great deal. These are not the detachable bags but we were able to mount them under the pillion. I keep my rain gear, side stand plate, and a cable lock in the bags. I also carry water bottles, my camera, camera mount and other random things when I'm traveling. They aren't huge but they fit the bike well. With the saddle bags I feel like I can be seen better from behind. They make the bike look bigger and wider. The bags came with holes in the flaps for conchos but didn't come with them so I put those reflector screws for license plates in their place. I just found this site though so may check that out. What I'd really like are some fleur de lis conchos.

From a local bike shop I bought a Stopper brake light that fits over the license plate. Adds a bit more safety.

Purchased from Jack's Rebel Catalog was a luggage rack. Jack has everything for Rebels, parts and accessories. And in addition to all of that, he is a very nice guy to chat with. The luggage rack is for a 250 but with a little extra effort can be adapted to fit the 450. With a little help from some friends that I've not yet met, it was pretty easy to get it fitted. Also purchased from Jack's was a Clymer's manual and a new CDI box. By the way, Jack's is the only place you can get the new CDI box. Thanks Jack!

The most recent purchase is a spotlight bar with spotlights and turn signals. I bought this from a very nice guy through Craig's List. After some modifications it works just great. I think it adds a lot to the bike. People can see me better and it will offer more light for me when I ride home in the dark. (I actually haven't done that yet.) I think it makes the bike look bigger as well. I feel safer with those extra lights running.

I've also added an inline fuel filter.

Some other little things I've purchased include a tiny digital clock that we added a magnet to stick to the tank. A cable lock that I use to lock my helmet to the bike via the original bike helmet lock. I thread it through the helmet and the luggage rack and then lock it to the original helmet lock. It works great and I can put my helmet on the back rest or on the ground and still lock it to the bike. I can also lock my jacket and pants to the bike and not have to carry them around. I place my helmet on the back rest, thread the cable through a sleeve of my jacket and then drape the jacket over the helmet. This also shades the helmet so it isn't unbearably hot when I want to put it back on.

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