Getting out of first gear

For some reason I've lost my touch. I can't seem to get out of first very well. It feels as though the bike is carrying a heavy lo...

For some reason I've lost my touch. I can't seem to get out of first very well. It feels as though the bike is carrying a heavy load and doesn't want to get off the line. I know it is just me though and not the bike. Hubby doesn't seem to have any trouble. And I only have trouble when I'm really thinking about it. I can shift through the gears just fine but some times I get stuck in first after coming to a complete stop.

We think it started when I added the cramp buster on the throttle. It also might have something to do with wearing my heavier gloves in the morning.

I guess I need to find a parking lot and practice finding the friction zone again. It is really weird. Not sure how that happened. Getting too comfortable maybe? Riding distracted or tired? Hmmm.

I drove today for those reasons, not the friction zone thing, but being tired and distracted - and running late on a very cold morning. Not as cold as it is going to get but near freezing. Maybe I can ride this evening if it isn't raining.

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