Orange Tango

Orange tango is a Montreal based design firm that produces phenomenal packaging design. Here are some of my favorite lovelies they have des...

Orange tango is a Montreal based design firm that produces phenomenal packaging design. Here are some of my favorite lovelies they have designed. Look how sleek, sophisticated and fresh this La Belle Excuse olive oil packaging is. Their website is also full of fabulous and delicious imagery.

I have used a few products by Cucina and have been throughly impressed. They deliver not only something smart to look at in your kitchen, but a way to get rid of those nasty smelling garlic and onion hands. (sniff..sniff) I can smell the citrus now.

I first saw Art Home products at Cost Plus, and thought they were designed very well. I am glad I finally found the firm that created the magic, because I have been looking.

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