Sydney May Get More Hybrid Taxis Soon
Hybrid cabs may be more common in the US, where NY has committed to changing over the entire taxi fleet into hybrid cars, but they haven...
Hybrid cabs may be more common in the US, where NY has committed to changing over the entire taxi fleet into hybrid cars, but they haven't necessarily caught on in other parts of the world. Despite London's congestion charge, you're still more likely to see a diesel than a hybrid roaming the streets. But in the near future for Australia, hybrid taxis have been given the green light.
The New South Wales Government has passed a law allowing hybrid taxis to hit the road. Only one company, so far, has been allowed to trial one hybrid cab. So, for about 12 months, that one vehicle has been testing out the economic viability of hybrid cars serving as taxi cabs.
In the US, taxi cab drivers like having hybrids because it saves them money when they fill up the tank. Riders and city officials want more hybrid taxis because they emit fewer emissions. But because hybrid cars cost so much more than the more traditional vehicles used for taxi services, a lot of companies have not been quick to jump in.
And in the city of Peth, a $15,000 grant and a 20% reduction in the lease rate has been made available for up to 15 full-time taxis was set up for hybrid electric cars. Since they already have four 'green' taxis on the road, another nine operators had to join the fleet. The new 'environmentally friendly' taxis will sport the slogan ‘Give the Planet a Fare Go’ so that potential customers can easily pick them out.
The New South Wales Government has passed a law allowing hybrid taxis to hit the road. Only one company, so far, has been allowed to trial one hybrid cab. So, for about 12 months, that one vehicle has been testing out the economic viability of hybrid cars serving as taxi cabs.
In the US, taxi cab drivers like having hybrids because it saves them money when they fill up the tank. Riders and city officials want more hybrid taxis because they emit fewer emissions. But because hybrid cars cost so much more than the more traditional vehicles used for taxi services, a lot of companies have not been quick to jump in.
And in the city of Peth, a $15,000 grant and a 20% reduction in the lease rate has been made available for up to 15 full-time taxis was set up for hybrid electric cars. Since they already have four 'green' taxis on the road, another nine operators had to join the fleet. The new 'environmentally friendly' taxis will sport the slogan ‘Give the Planet a Fare Go’ so that potential customers can easily pick them out.