I've been tagged....

so it's friday and was tagged a while ago by design 59 and this seems like a perfect time to do it (b/c my kid is refusing to take a nap...

so it's friday and was tagged a while ago by design 59 and this seems like a perfect time to do it (b/c my kid is refusing to take a nap and is screaming in her crib)...

1. Where were you 10 yrs ago....
hummmm...i had just ended my first year of rip roaring fun at the college of knowledge (aka college of charleston), i had just signed a lease on my first "official apartment" with my best friend katy on king street (this is where many parties happen, we got eviction warnings, friends of ours set off the fire extinguisher several times, and the first of my many parking tickets/ boots came about), i had just returned from a two week trip to thailand to see my brother who moved there to teach english (we are so different...he is super smart, adventurous, and likes to read books), i had just started answering the phones at my dad's office in the AM's and in the afternoons i went back to my old highschool job of being the receptionist at the local salon (how funny is that...it was located in my city's mall- i grew up in a small town in GA so you can imagine the salon), and last but not least- i was probably going out way too much using my fake id which i obtained from a former "stylist" at the salon...i was suppose to be 23 and looked all of 19...

2. 5 items on my to-do-list today:
1. well considering one of my builders just emailed me and said he had the electrician come today instead of mon, i need to go make sure all of his lighting is labeled, and since its not mon but fri- my babysitter is in FL and i am at home w/ the kid, not showered...better find a baseball cap and get my happy butt in that garage before he pulls up...
2. i need to get a second quote for outdoor draperies that priced out mega high...
3. go to Pottery Barn to look at their outdoor fabric collection for lounge chairs to make sure it will match what we have already purchased for a client's screen porch area
4. return a skirt that my husband says "looks like something a 16 yr old would wear"...b/c i am long past the days of a 16 yr old and the body of one....so i will take my husband's words of wisdom and not be that woman w/ a kid that still thinks she is a single, club hopper!
5. take a shower and brush my teeth b/c if you reread #1 of my to-do-list, i have a client arriving very soon....

3. Snacks i enjoy.....
whole foods guacamole dip w/ the fried pita chips, cherries in the summer, ice cream w/ reese's cup smashed in it....what i usually have in my house- wheat thins w/ cheese, grapes, hummus- boring stuff

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire....
travel lots, send taylor to the best schools possible, give money to the church and lots of charities, keep working but maybe not stress out anymore if i don't know when my next client is coming, give money to my family and all my best friends, move to sullivan's island, get a new car and boat for my husband and let him quit his job that he works so hard at to keep his family afloat.....

5. Places i would live....
sullivan's island, LA in a different life, italy, and i do love cabo

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