Chevy Volt Looks Are Dissapointing to Some

It seems the pictures of the Chevy Volt aren't exactly inspiring to some. Volt hype undone by its design Photos of the much anticipated...

It seems the pictures of the Chevy Volt aren't exactly inspiring to some.

Volt hype undone by its design
Photos of the much anticipated Chevrolet Volt hit the Internet Monday after they were "accidentally" posted on GM's media Web site -- and an external site. But the debate that's waged since, between those who think it's not true enough to the concept car unveiled at the Detroit auto show last year and those who don't care what it looks like as long as it's green enough to satisfy the Goracle, is about as uninspiring as conversation about a sedan.
Like the Prius and the new Insight, there are only so many ways to create an aerodynamic body. If they all end up resembling each other, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

The Prius may have the advantage of 10 years of dominating the hybrid car scene, but the new Honda Insight is going to pull in people who 1) like Honda and 2) want the lower price.   If the new Insight gets a mpg rating anywhere near the Prius rating, Toyota had better beware.

Toyota may fight back by dropping the price on the Prius, which would be great from a buyers perspective. The Volt, at twice the cost, is going to have an uphill battle from that perspective.

What's going to make the difference for the Volt is it's engine. Being able to travel 40 miles on electric power alone will be a powerful draw for some.

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