The Tower of Eternity 12F Walkthrough

Welcome.I hope this a text and video Solution useful go right from first scene and take "r" off book click upper right blue book, ...

The Tower of Eternity 12F WalkthroughWelcome.I hope this a text and video Solution useful
go right from first scene and take "r" off book
click upper right blue book, which is actually a remote control
click behind left side of bookcase to get batteries and combine them with remote
go right and take "i" from green chair and "v" from red chair
go right and take "n" from yellow sign
click top of sign and take knife
go right again to first scene and check clock - 14:00
use remote to set cooling unit to 14 degrees
back up and use knife on box that appeared in wall and take IC card
look at back of IC card and see "38"
go left and use IC card in box on table
go back and set the temperature to 38 degrees
go right to bookcase scene and see 3728 on wall; enter this code in the box
walkthrough continued
take blue key and note the writing in box
go back and set temperature to 25 degrees
you can use the blue key to exit at this point but you'll get dark end
OR you can go to the chair scene and not the code "rgbbgr" over the door
check the letters you've acquired and see that they spell "virrin" according to the code.
then go back to the box and note the code for letters
translating virrin gives you _otto_ since the code doesn't have "v" or "n"
however, this is close enough to decipher the word "bottom"
go back and use the blue key in the bottom lock
you're out!!!

Source: Escape Games 24

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