Print all files in a folder with a single command?
Free computer tips for printing files in a folder with a single command Printing a single file very easy. but if we have more then one file ...

Free computer tips for printing files in a folder with a single command
Printing a single file very easy. but if we have more then one file then its not easy to open each file saperately and print it.
Let me tell you a simple way to print all files in a folder with a single command.
For this you need to open notepad and copy the following data in it.
@echo off
dir%1/-p/o: gin>
Save the file as printdir.bat, then save it in c:\windows folder. you can also save this file with any name but you must give the extension as .bat.
Now open my documents and then go to tool menu and then folder options, there Click File types tab, it will be in the upper side of the screen you will find a file type below” Registered file types” Select it and click Advanced Tab, This will open Edit File Type. Here you can see a button “New” click it and then Type print directory in action tab. Browse for c:\windows\printdir.bat through browse button at application used to perform action and then click OK.
If you want to print all lot of files then place them in a folder and then right click the folder and then select print directory option in it.