How Long Do Brakes Last?

Operated under proper driving conditions, brake pads can last between 50,000 and 60,000 miles. However, there are multiple factors and drivi...

Operated under proper driving conditions, brake pads can last between 50,000 and 60,000 miles. However, there are multiple factors and driving habits that can reduce the life of the brakes, and those that can make them last longer, too.


    Hitting the brakes at higher speeds wears down the pads greatly. It takes a third more energy to stop the car at 65 mph than it does at 55.


    Cars that drive in very hilly areas will invariably have their brakes last less because of the strain gravity puts on them.


    Coasting, or driving without using the accelerator, will help reduce speed energy without using the brakes, thus making them last longer.


    The heavier the car is, the more strain it will have on the brakes as well as gas mileage. This includes excess weight from carrying several objects in the car.


    Never use the left foot to apply the brake pedal. The risk of hitting the accelerator and brake together will cause excessive wear and possible damage to the brakes.

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