Mercedes-Benz Opening Hybrid R&D Center
Mercedes-Benz, according to Daimler, will be opening a R&D center for hybrid and other alternative powertrain technology in Redford Town...
Mercedes-Benz, according to Daimler, will be opening a R&D center for hybrid and other alternative powertrain technology in Redford Township in Michigan. The township offered a $2.3 million tax exemption to Mercedes-Benz, in addition to the $7.5 million tax incentives from the Michigan Economic Growth Authority.
Source: Mercedes to do hybrid R&D in Redford Twp. | Detroit Free Press |
Source: Mercedes to do hybrid R&D in Redford Twp. | Detroit Free Press |
“We’re very excited about the possibility of launching the center in Southeast Michigan,” said Judy Brunson, MBH operations officer.