'65 (?) Sears/Gilera 106SS

This bike belonged to my brother Mark for a while, I'm guessing he got it in the late '70s. Then he sold it to his friend Kathy some...

This bike belonged to my brother Mark for a while, I'm guessing he got it in the late '70s. Then he sold it to his friend Kathy sometime in the '90s. It sat in her shop for several years. I saw it there and took pity on it, brought it up to my house for a little TLC. Unfortunately, the TLC took a few years to apply, and in the end had to be scaled back for financial reasons, but at least it finally got some attention.
Now it runs. Cool bike. It's a Gilera 106 rebadged and sold by Sears. Pushrod engine has pretty good torque and wide gearing.

The headlight works! The bike had a huge Japanese muffler on it when I got it, I put the shorty on. Sounds good.

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