Toyota Contemplating 2010 Prius SUV or Station Wagon with Lithium-Ion

According to an AP report (who was quoting from Yomiuri), Toyota is planning on a larger version of the Prius. In order to power the Prius ...

According to an AP report (who was quoting from Yomiuri), Toyota is planning on a larger version of the Prius.

In order to power the Prius SUV or station wagon, they will be substituting a lithium-ion battery pack for the nickel metal hydride batter found in the current Prius.

That would be a big change for Toyota, who has avoided the lithium-ion battery so far. The Yomiuri says the new Prius will cost about $22,000, which would also be unexpected given how much more expensive a SUV or station wagon can cost, plus the additional battery cost.

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