Shed Reveal!

Those of you who have been following from the beginning know about the shed. I started my summer holidays thinking I'd get to work on it...

Those of you who have been following from the beginning know about the shed. I started my summer holidays thinking I'd get to work on it right away and it would be done.
Yeah right. Mosquitos, heat, and boredom meant that I just finished it today - 2 months later. I swore it would be done before I went back to work. Although, I'm technically back, the students don't arrive until tomorrow so I figure that counts:)
All the men in my life say what a great shed it is - with a cement foundation and electricity! For me, it's a place to put bikes and gardening supplies... and occassionally storage for people other than me :). Oh well!
The goal was low budget and at least that worked out. I wasn't replacing anything, just painting. So, although I bought more paint than anticipated, the whole project was under $150.
Here it is before.

What a sad little eyesore. I almost feel sorry for it.

After it was powerwashed and scraped.

Did I mention scraping is the worst job on the planet? It looks even worse...

Here it is after a coat of primer.

Okay, priming stinks too. Literally.

And here it is completed.

I do find it a bit dark but I wanted the reverse of the house (white with grey trim). The black door is so large that it's a bit imposing but it's staying for now.. see how I feel next summer! Stephane made up some window boxes with some leftover wood in no time. I guess I'll have to wait until next summer to see some bright, colorful flowers in there!

I think Beaufort likes it!

Or, maybe he's not sure.

What do you think? Not bad for under $150 bucks and a pain in the neck!

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