free ads for small shops / artists

I'm always trying to find creative (and economical) was to promote my shop . Between traditional media and new media, I've found tha...

I'm always trying to find creative (and economical) was to promote my shop. Between traditional media and new media, I've found that working with bloggers or advertising on blogs consistently has a positive impact on my sales, traffic to my shop and brand recognition.

I've noticed that when you mix the right product on the right blog with the right audience - the results are amazing. A tip from personal experience, if you are going to advertise somewhere, invest in a long term plan. Brand recognition isn't built up in a month. When done consistently, you will see recognition of your brand grow.

I'm in a unique possition having a business, and I'm also a blogger that accepts advertising. I think seeing that my company benefits from online mentions makes me confident in offering up ad spaces on my site. But this post isn't about me selling advertising. This is a post about giving it away for free. That's really why you're reading, right? ;)

I'm a big fan of small business owners who are trying to get their shop names out there. I know how tricky it is, but I especially know how expensive it is. So to put good karma out there, I'm offering up 10 free advertising spaces to small business owners / artists who are trying to find economical ways to advertise. Heck. You can't get better than free. Here is the deal. E-mail me at with (1) link to your shop (2) an advertisement already designed to 150x50. * and (3) Where you are located. This is open to anyone, regardless of where you live.

Free advertisements will run for the month of October. I will pick the advertisements based on compatibility with my blog.

Submissions end September 28th, 2012.

Have a happy weekend.
* If you can't design your own ad, I'll design you one should you be picked, but it will simply be your logo.

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