Music Monday : the xx and the BBC Philharmonic

Seeing collaborations between fresh modern music and classical is really the best, it is one of my favorite ways of seeing the art of music ...

Seeing collaborations between fresh modern music and classical is really the best, it is one of my favorite ways of seeing the art of music come alive. The high and the low, the edgy and the refined, subdued and bright all mixed together. When I heard about the xx and the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra recently playing together live (via Pitchfork) I was thrilled.

If you are in the U.S. it has been hard for me to track down the video because it is for the UK and all of them are being blocked for location, but you can listen to it here (through the BBC radio, skip through to the middle to get to the beginning) Genius stuff.

// photo by Erez Avissar from Pitchfork

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