Oscar has been pretty unsupportive of the idea of me dressing him up for Halloween this year. There was a glimmer of interest last weekend ...

Oscar has been pretty unsupportive of the idea of me dressing him up for Halloween this year. There was a glimmer of interest last weekend when he tried on this dinosaur costume at his friend Lilah's house. The same afternoon he let me put him in a Bumblebee outfit to go to a neighbourhood party. All that being said, it's up in the air as to whether or not he'll agree to wear a costume on Halloween. And I'm not going to force it - I guess some little ones just aren't that into dressing up.
Around the house we've decorated minimally, getting some fun bats from the dollar store, and we were given some super cute decor courtesy of The Home Depot (See that Haunted House sign? Super cute) Hopefully the weather holds out and he can at least visit a few houses and have some fun. I think once he realizes he gets candy, he'll be totally into it. ;)
I hope you all have a lovely Halloween, and be sure to do the Change for Kids if you're in Canada!
*Tip - My girlfriends have lent me costumes that their older kids aren't wearing - It has been SO helpful. Oscar wore a borrowed outfit last year, which you must see.