Happy Halloween!
I've been totally off my game this year for Halloween. No decorations and a 9pm scramble last night to think of a costume to wear to sch...

We did have a party this year, early on, and I have no pictures from the evening (I was Foxxy Cleopatra). So here is Beaufort and I last year when I dressed as Lady Gaga complete with the Coke cans in my hair. Good times.
We got booed though, which is so much fun! We loved getting the treats but heading out in the evening and spooking our neighbors was a blast. If you haven't heard of Boo-ing, check out this website and file it away for next year. Definitely a fun tradition to get going!
Tonight, we cross our fingers that it doesn't rain and head to over to Steph's mom's house. She recently moved into an area that will be packed with trick or treaters so we decided it would be more fun to do Halloween with her. Plus, she is making French onion soup, yum!