Don't Let Your Camera Collect Dust: 10 Inspiring Ideas For Photography

By: ER.Somesh Bhardwaj                   Finding inspiration for your photography can sometimes be a challenge. We've already taken a lo...

By: ER.Somesh Bhardwaj

photography ideas
                  Finding inspiration for your photography can sometimes be a challenge. We've already taken a look at five places you can go online to find inspiration for your photography, but there are also a few offline methods that can easily kickstart your photo-taking - with just a little bit of dedication on your part. There's no better way to keep yourself shooting on a regular basis than committing to taking one photo a day.

That said, it can also be extremely challenging, and you'll probably find yourself falling off the wagon a few more times than you'd prefer. We've put together a list of 10 projects that you can use to keep yourself shooting through your Project 365, or that you can simply use to shoot on a regular basis.

Go to the Same Place Every Day for Photography Ideas

Is there a place you go every day? On your commute, you take a specific metro, get off at a specific station, pass by the same park every day? Pick one spot and document how it changes day by day. By the end of the year you'll have a fascinating study in how one specific place has changed over time. Or if you live in a busy, dynamic city, you can show just how much one specific place can change from one day to the next.

Pick a Lens

photography ideas

Rather than find a specific theme or subject to focus on, why not pick a specific lens? Pick a fixed lens if you really want to challenge yourself. When you're limited to using a fixed lens, like the 50mm for example, you'll find yourself pushing yourself to find creative images around you. If you want to get really creative, opt instead for a lens that creates interesting effects like one of the Lensbaby products, or PhotoJojo's Diana Lens.

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