5 Creative Ways To Get To Know Your Blogging Audience In Real Life

Many of us think that we know who we are writing to, but do we really? The problem with identifying and understanding our blog audience is t...

Shaking HandsMany of us think that we know who we are writing to, but do we really? The problem with identifying and understanding our blog audience is that we resort to dated techniques that don't help us understand who they really are. Sure, our audience might be made up of 25-35 year old females, but who is that, anyway? What keeps them up at night? What makes them happy? How can we, as bloggers, motive them to read and share what we have to say?

What Really Matters

For starters, you need to understand what matters to them. I have been an advocate for completing basic audience profiles. The goal of these profiles is to get a sense of how your audience thinks, rather than just who your audience is. In these profiles, you will identify a few key things:
  • What is their name?
  • What do they do?
  • What keeps them up at night? (i.e. What are they worried about?)
  • What motivates them to read your stuff?
  • What do they need most from you? How can you help them?
The goal is to complete several profiles and then use them as you write new posts. As you write, you should be talking directly to one of your audience members. You should have them specifically in mind. When we write TO someone rather than simple FOR someone we can do a much better job of relating to them on a human level. But, sometimes even this exercise isn't enough.Click Here To View Full Post >>

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