Our George Nelson Pendant.

We replaced the light in the dining room. The one we had before was the first thing I bought when I purchased the house and I was ready for...

We replaced the light in the dining room. The one we had before was the first thing I bought when I purchased the house and I was ready for a change. I've loved the George Nelson saucer light for years. It's modern yet timeless. It and others from the collection make frequent many appearances in new modern spaces but could also be spotted in many interiors since it was designed in 1947.

I couldn't find a source that carried it within Canada that didn't cost an arm and a leg in shipping. One day, the Modern Shop, popped up on my Facebook feed. A design store in Ottawa that carries an amazing variety of things including my light! Even better? Shipping was free. Sold!

It did take a while to get here but it arrived in perfect condition and was simple to install. We love how it looks in the dining room. It suits our style much more than the one we had before. My only complaint is that it had an odd chemical-like smell from it the first few weeks but it seems to have dissipated.

As a general rule, I prefer to hang dining room lights fairly low and follow the rule of 30-36 inches off the table. However, with this light hanging it low just didn't look right at all. We referred to some inspiration photos and discovered that all of them are hung quite high.

Very similar to our table as well. How I wish I had those ceilings!

The table appears rather large since we have both leaves in it at the moment. Steph hosted some family that were visiting the island over the weekend and my family is coming over tomorrow night. Gotta love summer company!

You may also notice the bare windows. Two months ago, I ordered panels from Pottery Barn. They arrived (3 1/2 weeks later) and were the wrong length. I called right away and they apologized and promised to send me the proper ones immediately using express post. As of last week, I hadn't yet received them. They assumed they were lost and sent out another replacement. I have yet to receive those and I'm losing hope. Definitely the last time I order from them!

On another note. this weekend was a blast. I went to Ski Martock, which is just outside Halifax, with my Crossfit crew to participate in our first Mud Hero run. It was hot and muddy! I don't know if I have or ever will be that dirty again in my life. After two showers I was still finding dirt on my body. My pretty pink tank top, shorts and white knee socks were beyond salvaging, as were my sneakers. Good times!

My sister Julie and I after the run.

Our Crossfit crew post run and pre evening shenanigans. We'll be back next year for sure!

Hot in Week


