Hallway Tours.

Thanks for all your comments on the my updated kitchen photos! I love love love comments. They make me feel like someone is actually reading...

Thanks for all your comments on the my updated kitchen photos! I love love love comments. They make me feel like someone is actually reading what I'm putting out there. So thank you so much to those who take the time. I really appreciate it!

Today I'm sharing a few photos of the hallway and staircase. When I moved into the house, the staircase was dark wood and had seen better days. My summer project was painting the staircase and although it was huge job, it made a huge impact on the feel of the home. The halls went from feeling dark to light and bright. I don't regret painting the woodwork for a second!

The staircase is in the middle of the home and is the first thing you see when you come in the front door. Straight ahead is the entrance to the kitchen and the back porch. The living room is to the right and dining room to the left.

Stephane framed these bird prints for me when we first started dating. They used to hang behind the sofa in the living room but moved to the entrance after I put up the gallery wall.

Up the stairs is a barrister bookcase. The first piece of antique furniture that I purchased for myself. It fits perfectly on that little wall at the top of the stairs.

A collection of black and white photos from my family hang above the bookcase. I also keep a collection of white vases on the bookcase in various shapes and sizes. Some are pieces of milk glass that I've thrifted. Occasionally, I add simple flowers to a few of the vases. In the bookcase are stacks of some of my favorite novels.

Here is a quick view in the other direction. (Notice the missing piece of trim?:) Next time, I'll share an updated look into those two bedrooms!

On another note, I went to see Unfinished Song tonight as part of the Filmworks series in town. It's a simple yet genuinely moving love story. I very much recommend it. My mom, dad and I sniffled and giggled the whole way through. Such a great combination.

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