2003 was not an year to remember for many reasons. Terrorism, war and many deaths marked the whole year. I wish that 2004 would be somewhat ...

HELP IRAN QUAKE VICTIMS Little drops of water can make an ocean. So please donate something for the victims. Here are the recommended links ...

BLOG ROUNDUP # Worldchanging blog posts links and stories of some interesting sites as usual: * CLIWOC - Database of the world's ocean...

BANGLADESH EXTENDS HER HELPING HAND TO IRAN FOR QUAKE VICTIMS The prime minister of Bangladesh Khaleda Zia has ordered to send medicines and...

DEATH OF BANGLADESHI PEACEKEEPERS When the Thursday's plane crash in the West African country of Benin came to Bangladesh nobody had th...


Top-ten good things about being an average Bangladeshi according to me: 10. I can easily poke my nose in other's affairs. 9. My popular ...

IRANI DANCER DETAINED Iran's best known female dancer Farzaneh Kaboli and 24 of her students have been detained on charges of dancing in...


The title above is the motto of Bishwa Sahitya Kendro (world literature center), a pioneer institution of Bangladesh. It is a benevolent tr...

UPDATE ON IRAN QUAKE Sunnetwork says Iranian officials have put the death toll at more than 20,000 in yesterday's 6.7 earth quake in th...

CONTACT LOST BBC reports : The Mars Odyssey spacecraft failed to pick up a signal from the Beagle probe when it flew over the landing site o...


Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. Jim Morriso...


To start with, it is a holiday in Bangladesh. It has been in Bengal for 225 years ever since the British East India Company started to rule ...

Bollywood movies online via kazaa! Worldchanging blog reports: 35 different Bangalore-based movie producers have worked out an arrangement ...


People say respect must be earned. But many of us try to gain respect of others by imposing fear or threatening others. This all starts when...


Recently I watched the play "Raktakarabi" (The red oleander) written by Rabindranath Tagore & performed by the theater group ...

The Many Ways of Being Modern Michael Elliott, the columnist of time magazine criticizes the American way of thinking that "they have ...

TIME PERSON OF THE YEAR 2003 This year the award goes to the troops of the United States of America . I guess the leading contender was Mr. ...

CAN BUSH BE BEAT? Take part in the MSNBC poll and find out the results. (via ATRIOS ).

GIFT CHOICES - FOR EFFECTIVE USE OF YOUR MONEY The Worldchanging blog (a group blog) is on a mission to propagate the worldchanging ideas, ...

BOMB JAMMER The assassination attempt on Pakistan president Mr. Pervez Musharraf was foiled because of an electronic gadget (reports The Glo...


Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no surviva...

VICTORY DAY: 16th of December

On this day in 1971 out of the crucible of blood and sacrifice, Bangladesh was born. This day is celebrated with glory and joy supplementary...

The Concert for Bangladesh

The US government was against the Bangladesh's liberation war in 1971. They were allies of Pakistan and even sent the 7th fleet to intim...

The history of Independence of Bangladesh

I am not a historian. But I am trying to summarize here the history of Bangladesh's Independence for those who would like to have an ide...

In remembrance: December 14, 1971

This is the day of martyred intellectuals, who were brutally killed by the Pakistani occupation army and their cohorts. Sensing their immin...

SADDAM CAPTURED ALIVE Now it is confirmed that the man captured with $750,000 in cash, two AK 47 machine guns and pistol is really Saddam Hu...

CONFOUNDING CONSUMPTION Laura is critic about excess consumtion in Christmas time in her recent post. But I guess the notion of always want...

MUGABE MUSINGS Robert Mugabe, the Zimbabwe's President has attacked global inequality at a United Nations conference on internet techn...


One who performs his duty without association, with the modes of material nature, without false ego, with great determination and enthusiasm...


Alan Atkisson wrote a piece in the Worldchanging blog about a book " The memory Bank " by Keith Hart, which describes an interes...

QUOTE OF THE DAY Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all. Thomas Carlyle - 1795-1881, Scottish Philoso...


The Internet is a good source for useful tools. Apart from the multifaceted search engines and web portals, some individuals tools are avail...


December is a special month for the Bangladeshis as in this month in 1971 they have fought the West Pakistanis and were freed and relieved f...


Bangladesh is less prone to AIDS because of the conservative social system. Sex before marriage is considered a taboo, not only in Muslim co...


Bolivia has released 16 Bangladeshis less than a day after they were arrested on suspicion of links to terrorism and Al-Qaeda following a ti...


The hottest meme in blogsphere is the weblog awards. Now Asia has its first ever weblog awards hosted in the flyingchair blog. The categor...

WHAT'S HOT IN BLOGOSPHERE Carnival of the vanities #63 is up at "Begging To Differ" blog. This carnival is full of interestin...


Might vs. Right We often quote the phrase "Might is right". Towards understanding of the term "right" I came across an a...

THE NEW HOTMAIL MSN's HOTMAIL (originally SABBIR BHATIA's) has become a bit nicer and easier. That's what I have found out today...

SAFE CROSS BORDER TRADING The abbreviation of SAFE is South Asian Federation of Exchanges and it has initiated the move for a cross border l...

TOP TEN INTERNET FADS According to an article in Kuro5hin blog: A fad, for purposes of this article, is an idea or technology which is bri...

MICHAEL JACKSON'S TRUE FACE Some say that Michael has become a rich white woman from a poor black boy. If he hadn't undergone any pl...

EC GIVES HOPE TO BANGLADESHI EXPORTERS With the expiry of multi-fibre arrangement (MFA) by the end of 2004, the World Trade Organisation (WT...

MANAGEMENT PROBLEM The onion reports : Bill Tepfer, an associate service-department manager at Shademaster Tent & Awning Supply, was ord...

Wringed and unable to breathe by Wal-Mart There is an article in The Seattle Times , which describes how Wal-Mart is pressing its third worl...

A PRAYER Let us raise our hands and pray to the Almighty for peace, for a world free from hatred and terrorism: O Lord! Keep us alive with t...

EID GREETINGS I take this opportunity to wish every person I can reach with this weblog a happy Eid. Let the festivity touch everybody and l...

QUOTES OF THE DAY To live is to war with trolls in heart and soul. To write is to sit in judgement on oneself. - Henrik Ibsen The interest ...

DEAR BANGLADESH This is the title of an article in JEWSWEEK written by Richard L. Benkin who portrays the real Bangladesh and its potential...


Wake up boys, there's a light at the window, I can hear someone knocking on the door, There are voices in the street, And the sound of r...

HOLIDAY BELLS ARE RINGING Eid holidays are starting from Tuesday to Thursday followed by weekly holiday Friday in Bangladesh. Offices, Banks...

REACTION I was watching the news coverage of the Istanbul blasts yesterday and was horrified with the scenes. These are the most dreadful im...

The third force in Bangladesh Politics

A third platform of Bangladesh Politics is emerging from January - reports The Daily Janakantha. Eminent politians like Dr. Kamal Hosain, D...

QUOTE OF THE DAY Fame often makes a writer vain, but seldom makes him proud. W. H. Auden 1907-1973, Anglo-American Poet

Taslima Nasrin's book now banned in India PTI reports : The Calcutta High on Tuesday passed an interim injunction restraining publicatio...

QUOTES OF THE DAY The writer has a grudge against society, which he documents with accounts of unsatisfying sex, unrealized ambition, unmiti...

Taslima Nasrin Banned again Taslima Nasrin just cannot be ignored by the media. Her recently published book "Ka" (the first conson...

Mohammed or Jesus? A persian girl in California, a born muslim, has been in churches with her friends. She loves Mohammad and she loves Jesu...

Lies & trivia Gina has a great post about Donald Rumsfeld's lies. Go check it out here . She also discoveres that US Presidents ento...

KOREA'S NEW LABOR POLICY CREATES HAVOC AMONG FOREIGN WORKERS Korean industries have been a congenial workplace for the low wages employe...

Hot in Week


