THE NEW HOTMAIL MSN's HOTMAIL (originally SABBIR BHATIA's) has become a bit nicer and easier. That's what I have found out today...


MSN's HOTMAIL (originally SABBIR BHATIA's) has become a bit nicer and easier. That's what I have found out today as I have a hotmail account like many millions of people around the world.

ITNews Australia reports:

Microsoft has launched the newest version of its web-based Hotmail email service, the most-frequently used email service on the planet. A streamlined interface makes it easier to organize, read, and send email, with new precedence given to email received from people in contacts list.

And some amazing facts:

"Today 66 percent of the people say [Hotmail is] their primary consumer mail for people who have [both] work mail and consumer mail,"

"Some fun facts behind it: If you ranked [hotmail] in terms of total size it would be the ninth largest country in the world, behind Bangladesh and before Mexico in terms of population size... Hotmail [filters] over 2.4 billion spam messages [every day]."

Hot in Week


