Sometimes rest is hard to figure out

With my training plan, there is often prolonged rest. Two or more days completely off the bike. This usually planned, but often times with ...

With my training plan, there is often prolonged rest. Two or more days completely off the bike. This usually planned, but often times with work/family/etc. it just happens.

Rest is a good thing. You get stronger during the rest. Without it you'd just dig a hole you can't get out of. But it isn't that simple I'm finding. Just like you have to find that sweet spot in how hard you work I am also having to figure out how rest works.

Eddie B's classic book has an awesome section on peaking. And he compares the body to a factory in explaining the peaking strategy. Just like a factory that is shut down cannot immediately ramp up to full production, my body cannot go straight into the red zone after complete inactivity. It's hard to swallow sometimes, because I'm thinking that yeah, couple days off the bike, I should be rarin' to go. But the legs complain , heart complains, cannot push the power. a few days I'm flying.

We are such a convenience oriented, RIGHT NOW society. It's no wonder people aren't saving their money and are in debt to the hilt. Gotta have it now. Where's my magic bullet. I expect to see results immediately after hard work. And expect to see results immediately after rest.

Not so. Just like it takes at least 2 weeks for me to realize the benefit of some serious hard work, it takes me at least a few days to realize the benefit of rest.

Rest week right now. Busy with other things too. Did some 5x1min this morning. Not too bad, but not great. Only purpose is to keep the factory workers from getting too lazy. Will do some trail maintenance tomorrow and some fun riding on Sunday.

Work, oh yeah, that thing you have to do to support your lifestyle..will be hectic Mon-Wed so not sure what will happen, then Wed-Fri we are going to Pipestem State Park, WV, probably w/o bike. So Life is getting in the way of training, and I'll have to figure out something to keep the factory from going into mothballs.

Patience..must acknowledge that it will be at least 3-5 days after getting back into it before the legs are back.

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