Zone 2 is not supposed to hurt?

raining and cold this morning. Jumped on the trainer for some Zone 2 to get ready for tomorrows intervals. Zone 2 is like 200-230W for me....

raining and cold this morning. Jumped on the trainer for some Zone 2 to get ready for tomorrows intervals. Zone 2 is like 200-230W for me. It actually hurt some. Legs just didn't like it. Sort of wish I was going harder.

Lame, zone2... not good for confidence.

Worked on the car stereo today, finished the upgrades. $300 total makeover and a stealth IPOD integration. Pretty decent upgrade for not too much cash. Almost all ebay. Sounds sweet. Pics to follow. Then did some hiking with Ansel my oldest. just me and him, looking for secret passages.

J. Bishop won the marathon race. 9 mins over Eatough. Damn. It was fun to read Jason Sager's BLOG about the race. First time in a long time I'm really getting into the whole national and NORBA scene, it's fun to know some names, and follow results. And see some pictures of the sufferfest.

That is the wonderful thing about cycling. They might be 100 times faster than me, but we all suffer.

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