Training recap

Mini stage race training Fri-Hilly circuit on the road bike Sat-2hr pretty hard on mountain bike. Felt great, rode some sections in 2 cogs h...

Mini stage race training

Fri-Hilly circuit on the road bike

Sat-2hr pretty hard on mountain bike. Felt great, rode some sections in 2 cogs higher than normal.

Sun - 1:30 on Mountain bike.
Did what I call the A-frame ride

Basically from home up Old Farm trail, Down Beast, up beast then back OF home. This time I also added the newish single track that // the fire road

NEW PR on Old Farm: 16:21. Who's a bad man? Almost 30 second improvement. Previous was 16:50 (timed from the first little creek crossing to the top at the fire road. This included some stupid baubles at the first stump crossing and then running into a rock full on like it was the side of a barn. Also walked the steep/loose tech section and the rock staircase. I was flying. There were a fair amount of people on the trail because the shop was having its Trek/Fisher demo day so that helped motivate me to try and catch people. I always work better with an audience. Wish I had the motivation to work this hard when alone.

With the 'what-if' time bonuses (What if I didn't screw up that stump crossing +5 seconds, what if I cleaned the tech section (+5 seconds), what if I didn't run in that rock and had to unclip (+5 seconds), what if I was able to push harder (+5 seconds). Then I would have broken 16. Well that is the goal right now.

Legs are tired.

Easy tomorrow.

Dirt Crit I think on Tues

Then 4 days easy with a few 1xs thrown in to keep the legs sharp.

Hot in Week


