Assemblyman John Benoit, R - Palm Desert goes hybrid

Trading in his V-8 sedan for a Toyota Highland Hybrid is Assemblyman John Benoit's attempt to go greener. "The recent rise in gas p...

Trading in his V-8 sedan for a Toyota Highland Hybrid is Assemblyman John Benoit's attempt to go greener.

"The recent rise in gas prices and release of studies showing the Inland Empire's air quality deteriorating led me to make the change to a more fuel efficient, less polluting vehicle," Benoit said in a statement.

"It is important to me as a government official to set a positive example in the area of fuel conservation and environmental protection."

EPA estimates of mgp is 30, but real world estimates put it in the high 20's. It seats seven for a smooth comfortable ride, although the engine can be noisy. MSRP is $33,030.

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