Comparing driving styles
Hybrid Cars - Walter McManus on Sustainable Mobility So far, my two favorite driving styles are what I call "GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO...
Hybrid Cars - Walter McManus on Sustainable Mobility
So far, my two favorite driving styles are what I call "GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO" (GGGGGG) and "SMOOTH AS SILK" (SAS). As you no doubt can tell from the names, they represent extremes of behavior.
While most hybrid drivers will tell you driving slower is better in hybrids, Walter McManus, in his analysis, seems to be telling you saving a few minutes on your commute is better than driving more carefully.
I'm not sure I buy his whole analysis, but you should take a look and decide for yourself. Personally, I take issues with his quality of life score as well his numbers for the probability of dying in a fiery crash. If you drive aggressively, you're much more likely to have an accident, at the least. Even if you (or the person you hit) don't die, the insurance nightmare that follows will surely shorten your life via the stress incurred.
I'm just not sure if he wrote this tongue-in-cheek or not.