Prius takes two in International Engine of the Year

The Toyota Prius took top honors at the International Engine of the Year for the eighth time in eight years. The Prius took two this year, ...

The Toyota Prius took top honors at the International Engine of the Year for the eighth time in eight years. The Prius took two this year, taking first for Best Fuel Economy and first in 1.4 - 1.8 litre engine. The Hybrid Synergy may be available across several other vehicles in the Lexus and Toyota lines, but the Prius is almost equivalent to hybrid.

The Prius is able to operate at 32 percent efficiency, compareed with the average of 14 percent by turning off when stopped, using regenerateive braking, as well as its hybrid gas electric engine.

INTERNATIONAL ENGINE OF THE YEAR 2006 - 1.4-litre to 1.8-litre and Best Fuel Economy awards.

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